Saturday, April 26, 2008

Singapore Solitude Day 1

Today is my first day of living alone.

I woke up and started cleaning the master's bedroom (the guests within this room departed at 4 AM on a flight back to the Philippines). I took all the bed sheets, pillow covers, towels used by the departed guests and headed to the laundry. (*Don't worry, I separated the sheets from the towels).

The washing machine can be tricky but I've learned the art of handling it from my guru who stayed here around a month to teach me the tricks of the house. While the tub was turning, I went back to my room to further find dirt and disorder.

After the bed and pillow covers tumbled in the machine, I decided to clean my slacks together with other dark tops/shirts. I did the usual. Water level: Delicate. Wash:Mini. Rinse: No-no. After the whole process, I discovered something with one of the slacks.
Here's an image:

Yes! It's a wonder I didn't destroy the 'tumbling' machine. Okay, big boo-boo. My guru will be disappointed.
That's how it went. A lesson well-learned.

After a while, I had my lunch. I fried the marinated salmon. First, I sliced it into 3 parts so that I can cook it easily. I just had 1/3 of it and fried it on butter. Unfortunately, there is no photo. At first, I wasn't sure if it's still raw on the inside so I took it out and sliced it again and lo and behold, it's still sushi. So I placed it back and when it looked pink enough to eat (meaning the usual pink that I see when I was being served already cooked salmon). I remembered that there's still leftover rice from yesterday so I decided to put it in the pan after removing the salmon. I mixed it well on the butter and rosemary leftover. I added a bit of salt for taste. That's the story of lunch.

Dinner was eventless. Since I didn't want to eat rice, I just had mushroom instant noodles which I didn't like. I also had cake (given by the landlady from her hubby's birthday). Okay, I didn't like it because it was pineapple cake. Yech!

Before going back to my room, I took the bed sheets from the laundry airing section. Here they are now:

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